Author Guidelines
It is unethical to submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time. This causes a waste of time for editors and peer reviewers and can damage the reputation of the authors and the journals if published in more than one journal as the later publication will have to be retracted.
Each manuscript needs to be sent along with a separate cover letter of declaration that (1) the enclosed manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere and (2) that the copyright of the manuscript is assigned to MKK PUBLICATION (Kolkata).
Redundant publications (or ‘salami’): Publishing many similar manuscripts based on the same experiment, which are to be rejected if suspected by the editors.
The plagiarism check of each paper is to be done. All the papers should be submitted in original.
Should not exceed 15%, plagiarism. Although, for each paper, the plagiarism report will be analyzed, and feedback to be given depends on the respective reports.
Paper Submission Guidelines for authors:
The research editions of the journal are published in March, June, September, and December.
The journal publishes full research papers which are relevant to agricultural sciences. We also publish reviews and notes which have been done critically.
Plagiarism needs to be avoided in the paper.
As given below, theses three sections are mandatory for all review papers, followed by appropriate section headings depending on the review discussion:
- Abstract, Introduction, Keyword (Preferably five).
- References (to be enlisted at the end of the paper).
Full research papers should have the following sections:
- Abstract, Keywords (preferably five), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and References.
Positions of all figures and tables need to be indicated serially in the text. Impersonal figures are fine. But all personal figures (with the person’s face) need to be deleted/cropped in the paper or will be done by the editor.
Avoid papers with more than 8-16 pages including tables and figures. All manuscripts should have a title, names of authors, respective designations, and addresses (including e-mail addresses) on the first page above the abstract. There should be a separate section for an acknowledgment after results and discussion and before references.
Send your paper in A4-sized MS Word format. Manuscript must be typed in a single column with double (2.0) lined spaced in Times Roman Font (Size: 12).
Figures and tables preferably to be given on separate MS-Word file.
All the figures should be colored with high-resolution.
All the tables should be in editable text and should not be photographed.
Positions of all figures and tables need to be indicated (referred) serially in the text. Figures and tables should be numbered with caption accordingly such as no. 1 should be first, then no. 2, no. 3 and so on.
Papers should be prepared with all original and adequate experimental data and plagiarism must be avoided.
The guidelines for short notes are the same as the main articles. The only differences are (1) to report anything observed during the main project, which is worth communicating immediately, and (2) to fix the claim for the first reporting of any observation of significance at the earliest opportunity.
Figure and table indications in text to be given as shown in the example below:
- The trait cob weight also differed significantly among the parental lines (Table 1). It was ranged from 114.33 (MAI-729) to 54.27(DH-376) with a mean of 85.79 grams. Similarly, significant differences were observed among the parental lines of promising maize hybrids for number of rows per cob (Table 2).
- The symptoms in tea (Camellia sinensis) was seen on the stem as rough roundish to irregular galls (Fig 1). In coffee (Coffea arabica) symptoms were seen as necrotic lesion emerging from the margin with yellow halo in diseased leaves (Fig 2).
Citations in text and respective enlisted references to be given in the paper as suggested below:
…due to water stress has been well documented in previous studies of various crop plants, including tomato (Kıran et al. 2014, Alp and 2811 Kabay 2017). The effect of mannitol-mediated water stress on growth parameters has also been reported in broccoli sprouts (Kiani et al. 2018).
All listed references need to be cited following author-year system in the text and in alphabetical order (Last name first and first name last) under References list at the end of the paper.
Alp Y and Kabay T (2017) The Effect of Drought Stress on Plant Development in Some Native and Commercial Tomato Genotypes. Yüzüncü Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27 (3), 387-395.
Kiani S, Babaeianjelodar N, Bagheri N, Najafizarrini H (2018) Effect of mannitol stress on morphological, biochemical and polyphenol parameters in broccoli sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. italica). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 16 (2): 2043-2058.
Kıran S, Özkay F, Kușvuran Ș, Ellİaltıoğlu ȘȘ (2014) Changes on some characteristics of tomato genotypes in different tolerance levels for salt stress under drought stress conditions. Gaziosmanpașa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 31(3): 41—48
Please avoid and delete references / citations with more than 10 years old; it is highly recommended to cite and enlist most recent references on the paper, except any unavoidable references like related to formula, procedure, method.
- Please recheck year of the reference, author names’ spelling in text-citations with their respective enlisting. References which are cited in text and the references enlisted should be exactly same with 100% match.
- Respective available DOI information of all the enlisted references of the paper should be mentioned.
Keep a good copy of your manuscript in your file. Editorial office will take all possible care, but it is not responsible for any loss or damage of manuscripts.
All manuscripts will be reviewed by two or more outside experts and seminar-symposium-conference papers will be reviewed by a team of experts. Besides, there may be editorial changes.
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